Wednesday, November 4, 2009

V the (new) series

First off ... [ahem] ... I'm BAAAACK! ;) I haven't really been anywhere, per se, just haven't been blogging. I know, I know, for shame. Anyway, back to the topic o'my post:

Last night was the premier of NBC's new rendition of V: the series. Aliens arrive on Earth .. oh, wait .. they've been here all along, causing problems that their "new" arrival can "solve," thus engratiating the unwashed masses. Hmmm ...

Besides seeming to be a really good show with lots of main characters to follow and seeming thus far to be a worthy successor to the original series from the '80s, my wife and I noticed something. Replace all the "V"s painted about with "O"s, and instead of calling the enemy "Visitors" call them "Obama followers" and change "Anna" their leader into an equally charasmatic-but-demanding-and-controlling-sociopath named "Barry" and ... whoa! This it THE most right-wing, anti-Obamanation program I've seen yet! AWESOME! I'm actually surpised NBC let this one fly. I guess their desire for profit outweighed their need to slavenly slobber at the heels of ol' President Barry, eh? Well, the audience is out there if the turn of events in last night's gubenatorial elections is any indication. We now have GOP heads in NJ and VA, regions that, IIRC, were Obama supporting left-wingers just this time last year. Hmmm ... It's a start.

I'm thinking that this whole Nationalized Health Care debacle will have the same effect on Congress as the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. I hope so, anyway. For those who don't remember, Congress back then voted in an assinine and utterly useless anti-gun bill (that thankfully sunset in 2004). As always, the loudest mouths clammored for such anti-"assault weapon" legislation. Two things happened. One, it had no real effect on crime. Two, it drove prices for existing "pre-ban" guns and hi-cap mags through the roof, making a handy profit for many. Three, the gun industry finally quit with the "bigger and better" approach to pistols and started seeing just how small a gun they could wrap around 10 round or less magazines, spawning a whole new class of full-powered, but near-pocket sized (and actually pocket sized) lil' blasters. Four, and perhaps the most impressive result, Conservatives for once actually turned up en masse at the polls come the next election and voted out an impressive number of smug-and-secure liberals from Congress! The libs learned their lesson, it seems. When new AG Eric "Grab All The Guns" Holder announced his plans to go after our guns, even Nancy "The Great Gun Hating, Fredom Loathing, Totalitarian Nanny" Pelosi said Congress had NO intention of creating new gun laws. Obviously she's lying through her botoxed lips, but it's also pretty clear they're afraid that voters will smack her and her cronies down hard in 2010 if they let their plans out of the bag now.

It's funny, perhaps, but I think some people who are anti-gun on the surface actually mean "Ban their guns, but I'll keep mine!" When they realize there will be no such distinction for them, they suddenly vote on the side of the right for a change.

I could rant about this all day and goodness knows I've saved up enough rants for a while during my non-blogging phase. I think I'll leave off here, however, and save something to go on about next time. ;)

--- Later!

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