Well, I suppose I should not be surprised that with the National Democratic Socialist Party in charge, they managed to pass the Health Care Reform Bill (a.k.a. Government-Run Takeover of Health Care, Government-Controlled Health Care, and the ever popular and succinct title: Socialized Medicine). I'm saddened and sickened that these bozos here in MY (formerly) FREE COUNTRY could pass a bill that will make someone a criminal if he or she does not carry their health insurance.
Let's see ... how's the VA doing with vets' health care? Really, spectacularly well? Like, top-of-the-line private hospital well? Just adequate? I'm curious. Hey, Congress, where are all the H1N1 ("Swine Flu" for those not afraid to say the words) vaccines? Wait ... there aren't enough and they are being rationed, right? In the middle of this largely media driven frenzy that someone might catch the flu, you goofed. Well, anyone who needs one can have mine. Hell, I don't trust ya'll to do anything right. I sure don't want to trust you with my health!
We have to hope and pray the Senate will have more sense and not be swayed by that botox bully, Pellosi into passing this gargantuan piece of Socialist garbage. Almost 2,000 pages and NO ONE knows what's in it. It was all rush-rush-rush to pass it but, of course, it won't take effect 'til the middle of the next presidential term. I hope and pray we have a good old fashioned Conservative President and Congress back in power by then. We're now looking at being forced to use their health care (because Nanny Gov't knows best), except some desperately ill folks that won't be able to even get that. Oh, but Congress won't submit to it and will stick to their own health care plan. They're the elite, after all. Well, hopefully the Kremlin ... er, I mean, The Congress won't muck up anything else major for awhile.
In Other News: I'm not sure what award a civilian police officer working on a military base can be given by Uncle Sam, but whatever it is, one should be forthwith and without delay pinned to the hospital gown of Sgt. Kimberly Munley who, though surrounded by chaos, carried on and did her job. Though badly wounded (reports vary at this point but I think she caught at least one round to the thigh), she pressed on and took down the crazed bad guy whose name does not bear repeating as he has had quite enough martyrdom naming in the mainstream media. I'm actually happy the media keep mentioning that he was not only Muslim but a MAJOR and a psychologist. How could this guy slip past all the safeguards? OMG, we're fighting a war with people like him and here he is right in the middle of things, obtaining the rank of Major and able to get around security and all that. I would bet, could such a test ever be done, 90+% of Muslims in America are peace-loving, day-to-day people like the rest of us. If only for their own safety, though, can they please start policing their own a little bit? I'd LOVE to read in the paper that a major terrorist cell was busted because an Imam or some other Muslim dropped a dime on them. This reflects on them and they ought to be if anything more vigilant than we are. SHOW everyone that Muslim is not synonymous with Crazed Killer. I'll show you that Christian is not always synonymous with Destroyer of Peaceful Cultures for Gold. Sound fair?
Ah, but I digress. All that aside, Sgt. Munley did a FINE job and is, in my humble opinion, a True Cop, and a fine example of the Warrior Spirit. Kudos, Sgt. Heal up and get back out there. With cops like her on duty, the Thin Blue Line is a wee bit stronger.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
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