Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lies, Damn Lies, and Climatology

     Yesterday I heard something about this on the news then got this link in an e-mail:  Put simply, a leading (the leading?) climate research center was hacked and the data taken therefrom shows lies, conspiracies, and all sorts of Nazi-era propaganda spewing in order to further their agenda.  In short, man-caused climate change is a big, fat LIE but those who want to promote the "green" agenda are willing to lie, cheat, and steal (or at least delete) in order to make their point.  They even discuss means to shut out peers who would disagree when the liars want their propaganda peer-reviewed.

     Where, I ask you, is the hue and cry over this?  Where is (P)MSNBC, CNN, NBC, etc., etc.?!  If this were a Republican or Conservative faux pas you can bet they'd be all over it with commentaries, special productions, etc.  Ah, but it's from their side so lying is okay if you're a liberal, I guess.

     Wait, after Dan Rather-not-bother-with-the-truth's scandal was quietly let go (along with his career) I guess we shouldn't be surprised to learn that lies abound, the media has an agenda (beyond pure journalism), and that many "experts" are not to be trusted.  Ah, the billion dollar industries that have sprung up to combat climate change.  Think of all the money Al Gore made for them ever since he started running all over the world (in his private jet) preaching about how evil we humans are when we pollute and waste energy (then he returns home to his lavish estate that is, last I heard, decidedly not run on green power).  Hypocracy, Lies, Deceit, and general Ugliness seem to be the hallmarks of that party. 

     ... Is it still too late to buy an island somewhere so people like me can get the hell away from crooked politics?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Maersk Alabama fights off pirates ... Europeans still wimps

     It seems lightning does strike twice.  The AP reports that Somali pirates attempted to take the Maersk Alabama again today.  This time the crew was prepared and "An on-board security team repelled the attack by using evasive maneuvers, small-arms fire and a Long Range Acoustic Device..."  So, a group of rag-tag thugs come running up in power boats firing "automatic weapons" (from 300 yards) and a security team runs them off.  Very Well Done!  I applaud this and think it's long past time that such vessels were protected by an armed contingent of professionals.
     Consider that two days previous to this another merchant vessel was seized by Somali pirates.  The 28 North Korean crew members were taken hostage and the captain of that ship has now reportedly "died of wounds."  These pirates are obviously dangerous.  Whatever their intent, they run around, loosely diciplined, firing automatic weapons.  Someone is bound to get hurt.  I think it's highly irresponsible of a corporation to send captain and crew out in a big floating treasure chest with ransom prices on their heads and not to provide adequate security.

     Vice Adm. Bill Gortney of the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command apparently approved.  He reportedly said the Maersk Alabama followed the  "best practices" of the maritime industry by employing such a security team on board.  Vice Adm. Gortney was quoted as saying, "This is a great example of how merchant mariners can take proactive action to prevent being attacked and why we recommend that ships follow industry best practices if they're in high-risk areas."
     Hell, I've been saying this for a while now.  For too long now we've shipped our valuable goods (and even more valuable manpower) in huge floating gun-free zones.  Gun-free zones, as we have learned (some of us, anyway) are great big smorgasbords of unarmed, grab-all-you-want, hurt-whomever-you-want play pens for the more criminally sociopathic among us.
     Of course some of our European neighbors seem to think otherwise.  Mr. Roger Middleton, a fellow described as a "piracy expert" working at Chatham House, a London-based think tank, favors the sheep approach.  He reportedly says "the international maritime community was still 'solidly against' armed guards aboard ships, but that American ships have taken a different line than the rest of the international community."
     Well, hell yeah!  It seems some Americans are still totally on board (no pun intended) with the idea that we are all responsible for our own safety and that just taking the moral high ground of not stooping to a violent aggressor's actions is not really winning.  Not all Americans, it seems, are as wimpy as the upper crust British seem to want everyone to be.
     Middleton was quoted saying, "Shipping companies are still pretty much overwhelmingly opposed to the idea of armed guards."  Really?  I wonder, if we could hit some cosmic "pause" button as the pirates are storming over the rail of a ship, if we could as the merchant crew who are in the midsts of being plundered, pillaged, and worse if they are opposed to the presence of armed guards on their vessel, how many do you think would agree with Mr. Middleton?  
     The pusillanimous Mr. Middleton was further quoted as postulating, "Lots of private security companies employee people who don't have maritime experience. Also, there's the idea that it's the responsibility of states and navies to provide security. I would think it's a step backward if we start privatizing security of the shipping trade."
     Okay, so one of his big beefs with having security aboard these floating targets is that the security personnel aren't experienced mariners?  Um, correct me if I'm wrong, sir, but don't most sailors have a first voyage?  Is anyone born with some innate knowleges of maritime ways?  I thought not.  Further, let me remind everyone, we're talking about security officers, not sailors.  They are there to repel pirates not to run the ship.  I would think that whatever firm hired them for their ships would give them a basic run down on company policy, maritime law, where the life preservers and fire extinguishers are, etc.
     Oh, and as to the ships' security being up to the respective navies and states ... just how far up your arse did you shove your head, Mr. Middleton?!  No nation that I'm aware of can spare a frigate to escort every merchant vessel.  How the hell is America, England, or any other nation supposed to protect their own shipping interests on the open seas?  Ah, I see.   More, "take the moral high ground and pass the responsibilty so we can feign outrage while the barbarians storm the gates," attitude I guess. 
     I have some news for the Roger Middletons of the world:  If we turn everyone into sheep, the wolves win!
     Congratulations to the crew (security and otherwise) of the Maersk Alabama!  Congratulations to every ship that has armed security and to every coporation with the forethought to provide it!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Socialists in the House

     Well, I suppose I should not be surprised that with the National Democratic Socialist Party in charge, they managed to pass the Health Care Reform Bill (a.k.a. Government-Run Takeover of Health Care, Government-Controlled Health Care, and the ever popular and succinct title:  Socialized Medicine).  I'm saddened and sickened that these bozos here in MY (formerly) FREE COUNTRY could pass a bill that will make someone a criminal if he or she does not carry their health insurance. 

      Let's see ... how's the VA doing with vets' health care?  Really, spectacularly well?  Like, top-of-the-line private hospital well?  Just adequate?  I'm curious.  Hey, Congress, where are all the H1N1 ("Swine Flu" for those not afraid to say the words) vaccines?  Wait ... there aren't enough and they are being rationed, right?  In the middle of this largely media driven frenzy that someone might catch the flu, you goofed.  Well, anyone who needs one can have mine.  Hell, I don't trust ya'll to do anything right.  I sure don't want to trust you with my health!

     We have to hope and pray the Senate will have more sense and not be swayed by that botox bully, Pellosi into passing this gargantuan piece of Socialist garbage.  Almost 2,000 pages and NO ONE knows what's in it.  It was all rush-rush-rush to pass it but, of course, it won't take effect 'til the middle of the next presidential term.  I hope and pray we have a good old fashioned Conservative President and Congress back in power by then.  We're now looking at being forced to use their health care (because Nanny Gov't knows best), except some desperately ill folks that won't be able to even get that.  Oh, but Congress won't submit to it and will stick to their own health care plan.  They're the elite, after all.  Well, hopefully the Kremlin ... er, I mean, The Congress won't muck up anything else major for awhile. 

     In Other News:  I'm not sure what award a civilian police officer working on a military base can be given by Uncle Sam, but whatever it is, one should be forthwith and without delay pinned to the hospital gown of Sgt. Kimberly Munley who, though surrounded by chaos, carried on and did her job.  Though badly wounded (reports vary at this point but I think she caught at least one round to the thigh), she pressed on and took down the crazed bad guy whose name does not bear repeating as he has had quite enough martyrdom naming in the mainstream media.  I'm actually happy the media keep mentioning that he was not only Muslim but a MAJOR and a psychologist.  How could this guy slip past all the safeguards?  OMG, we're fighting a war with people like him and here he is right in the middle of things, obtaining the rank of Major and able to get around security and all that.  I would bet, could such a test ever be done, 90+% of Muslims in America are peace-loving, day-to-day people like the rest of us.  If only for their own safety, though, can they please start policing their own a little bit?  I'd LOVE to read in the paper that a major terrorist cell was busted because an Imam or some other Muslim dropped a dime on them.  This reflects on them and they ought to be if anything more vigilant than we are.  SHOW everyone that Muslim is not synonymous with Crazed Killer.  I'll show you that Christian is not always synonymous with Destroyer of Peaceful Cultures for Gold.  Sound fair?

     Ah, but I digress.  All that aside, Sgt. Munley did a FINE job and is, in my humble opinion, a True Cop, and a fine example of the Warrior Spirit.  Kudos, Sgt.  Heal up and get back out there.  With cops like her on duty, the Thin Blue Line is a wee bit stronger.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hollyweird Trend?

Okay, movie-making and television production is a business. The entire goal, no matter how lofty the rhetoric, is to make money, lots and lots of money. I get that. Hey, I'm a die-hard (heh) conservative Republican capitalist. I'm all about it. Oh, I have my issues with Hollywood and their ever more left-leaning ways, but they manage to put out some pretty cool right-wing stuff sometimes (see my previous entry on the new series of "V"), and some of it is good enough to just forget politics for a while (mostly).

Where, oh, where am I going with this? Nowhere special, really. I just noticed a trend of late, that's all. I call it, The Trend of the Smoldering Brunette. Now while, as a red-blooded American male of Irish/English/Cherokee descent, born and raised in the glorious Deep South, I have no problem with smoldering brunettes, on screen or off. Smoldering brunettes, simmering blondes, scintillating auburn-haired demi-goddesses, hey, they're all easy on the eyes and they all tend to draw a crowd to the box offices, movie rental stores, and butts to the living room sofas. Bean-counters tend to notice stuff like this. When those responsible for making the decisions that make the money see that something is likely to make more money they jump on board. Who can blame them? I don't hear anyone complaining about their method, either (at least about the smoldering brunette, etc. bit, anyway).

But, here's what I've noticed and I wonder if anyone else has done so as well: Take a look at Eva Green (Vesper in "Casino Royale"). Then let's look at Robin Tunney (Teresa Lisbon on the TV series "The Mentalist"). Okay, got that? Now let's add in Kristen Stewart (Bella from the "Twilight" series). Look closely. I mean really closely. Glance at some magazine covers, 'net hits, red-carpet coverages ... hey, watch the shows, even. Do they not all look like the same girl? I think they at least look like they were cast from the same mold. I can almost see this:

A studio casting director says, "Well, Eva Green was amazingly popular in 'Casino Royale.' We need a face like that to draw a crowd for this new series, 'The Mentalist.' There's simply no way we can afford Ms. Green, though, great international (French) star that she is. Hmm ... go forth and seek someone similar. I want a body double, darn it, and preferably one with some draw of her own."

The assistant returns with a portfolio on Robin Tunney. "Look!" he exclaims. "Ms. Tunney here is a well-established star. She's been in movies and television serials. AND, she has that same ... that same ... look as Ms. Green!"

The exec looks over his assitant's shoulder. "I don't know. There is a resemblance, and they're both hot brunettes ... but ... I dunno, Tunny is more girl-next-door."

"You have to squint a little bit, like this."

"Oh ... OH! ... I see it now! Wow! They both have that oh-so-superior, I'm-barely-tolerating-your-existance-so-what-the-hell-do-you-want-now?! look!"

"Yeah ... er, I mean ... yes, sir they do! They both have that ... that ... look. You see? The way their eyes smolder from under their eyebrows? The way they always manage to look like they're looking down at you, even when they're looking up?"

"Hmm ... 'smoldering look' eh? I like that. Let's go with it."

Time passes. "The Mentalist" is a sensational success, in no small part to Robin Tunney's no-nonsense, oh-so-superior, cut-the-crap-or-I'll-kick-your-arse look. Well, Simon Baker's attitude and flair make the show, but it pings well off of Tunney's character. Anyway, let's pretend that same exec is trying to cast the role of the lead heroine for a book-to-film movie about vampires and such. Let's say this book, essentially an angsty, gothy, emo-teen romance, is immensely popular and they want to draw in people that otherwise would not read it. Said executive calls upon his assistant. "While we want this movie to be good," he explains, "We simply do not have budget to pull in either Eva Green nor Robin Tunney. In any event both, though in their absolute respective primes, are not exactly angsty teen material."

"Still want to go with the smoldering brunette theme, then, sir?"

"Yeah, why not? It's worked so far. Go find me a girl who, if we squint just so, will remind us very strongly of Eva Green and Robin Tunney while at the same time having enough drawing power of her own to ensure we can get some sequels and maybe some other movies out of her."

"Right-e-oh, sir!" The assistant scurries off, returning forthwith with yet another porfolio in hand. "Here," he says, setting the folder down reverently upon the executive's desk. "I present to you, Miss Kristen Stewart."

"My, my, my! She looks ... wow ... she looks like a younger version of either of the other stars. That exact same smoldering look, that same ... say, what do you call that expression, anyway? That whole 'my bellybutton lint is more interesting than you, or it would be if I had an imperfection like bellybutton lint; you are beneath contempt and only I am worthy; now what do you want, as if I care?' look?"

"Um, ... Sociopathy?"

"No! ... Well ... yes, I suppose that is the technical name for it. Let's go with 'Smoldering' and just stick with that for now. How's that?"

"Very good, sir!"

And with that, or some similar process, we now have the Trend of the Smoldering Brunette. All seem to be capable actresses and for me that's what really counts. Yes, I would, in fact, say that even if my wife wasn't reading this. :p Even when single, and though even now still a red-blooded male and quite capable of appreciating the artistry that is a pretty face, I don't and have never watched movies with some convoluted, hopeless dream of picking up the main actress. I'm sure they have enough delluded fans without me adding to the mix. Besides, I'd be a bit concerned entering into a relationship with someone who fakes emotion for a living [shudder]. The prettiest actress won't carry a crap movie, but a plain-Jane acress with vastly more skill than looks can make a good story soar to lofty heights. Hollyweird seem to have stumbled upon a formula that works for them right now and appear willing to stick to it with amazing tenacity. What amazes me more is that they can actually FIND actresses who look so much alike! That kinda puts the "weird" in "Hollyweird" doesn't it, now?"

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

V the (new) series

First off ... [ahem] ... I'm BAAAACK! ;) I haven't really been anywhere, per se, just haven't been blogging. I know, I know, for shame. Anyway, back to the topic o'my post:

Last night was the premier of NBC's new rendition of V: the series. Aliens arrive on Earth .. oh, wait .. they've been here all along, causing problems that their "new" arrival can "solve," thus engratiating the unwashed masses. Hmmm ...

Besides seeming to be a really good show with lots of main characters to follow and seeming thus far to be a worthy successor to the original series from the '80s, my wife and I noticed something. Replace all the "V"s painted about with "O"s, and instead of calling the enemy "Visitors" call them "Obama followers" and change "Anna" their leader into an equally charasmatic-but-demanding-and-controlling-sociopath named "Barry" and ... whoa! This it THE most right-wing, anti-Obamanation program I've seen yet! AWESOME! I'm actually surpised NBC let this one fly. I guess their desire for profit outweighed their need to slavenly slobber at the heels of ol' President Barry, eh? Well, the audience is out there if the turn of events in last night's gubenatorial elections is any indication. We now have GOP heads in NJ and VA, regions that, IIRC, were Obama supporting left-wingers just this time last year. Hmmm ... It's a start.

I'm thinking that this whole Nationalized Health Care debacle will have the same effect on Congress as the Assault Weapons Ban of 1994. I hope so, anyway. For those who don't remember, Congress back then voted in an assinine and utterly useless anti-gun bill (that thankfully sunset in 2004). As always, the loudest mouths clammored for such anti-"assault weapon" legislation. Two things happened. One, it had no real effect on crime. Two, it drove prices for existing "pre-ban" guns and hi-cap mags through the roof, making a handy profit for many. Three, the gun industry finally quit with the "bigger and better" approach to pistols and started seeing just how small a gun they could wrap around 10 round or less magazines, spawning a whole new class of full-powered, but near-pocket sized (and actually pocket sized) lil' blasters. Four, and perhaps the most impressive result, Conservatives for once actually turned up en masse at the polls come the next election and voted out an impressive number of smug-and-secure liberals from Congress! The libs learned their lesson, it seems. When new AG Eric "Grab All The Guns" Holder announced his plans to go after our guns, even Nancy "The Great Gun Hating, Fredom Loathing, Totalitarian Nanny" Pelosi said Congress had NO intention of creating new gun laws. Obviously she's lying through her botoxed lips, but it's also pretty clear they're afraid that voters will smack her and her cronies down hard in 2010 if they let their plans out of the bag now.

It's funny, perhaps, but I think some people who are anti-gun on the surface actually mean "Ban their guns, but I'll keep mine!" When they realize there will be no such distinction for them, they suddenly vote on the side of the right for a change.

I could rant about this all day and goodness knows I've saved up enough rants for a while during my non-blogging phase. I think I'll leave off here, however, and save something to go on about next time. ;)

--- Later!