Wednesday, April 25, 2007



    Welcome to my blog.  I was born and raised in the glorious southeastern U.S., Alabama specifically. This is where I still reside. Living here and being raised as a free thinker has given me a somewhat different view than that of many whom I hear speaking in the media lately. For one thing, I'm a Conservative (ooooh! No! One of THOSE! Egad, Ethel! It's a Conservative from Alabama! Run! Run like hell! We're only safe 'til the banjos stop playing!). Yeah. I'm a dude from Alabama and guess what? I can read, write, and think for myself ... just like most folks from "down South." Gadzooks, how I loathe stereotypes.

   If that sounded like I have a wee bit o'attitude, well, that's probably because I do. I see the south portrayed in movies and on TV as a backwards haven for inbred idiots. It's actually amazing how many famous and influential people are from the south. These include award winning authors, singers, actors, politicians (hey, there are a few good ones ... at least not wholly evil, anyway. Statesmen are better though. Statesmen are dead politicians. ar, ar, ar).

   Now, then, I did not start this blog to defend the Real South from the world. Well, not entirely, anyway. I started this to give me some place to dump all my rants and views. I'm pro-gun, pro-life, pro-freedom. I think misbehaving brats should be spanked. I hate drugs but I think there are WAY too many people serving sentences that are WAY too long for simple drug charges and are thus clogging up the system. I think the "war on drugs" has allowed for some erosion's of personal freedom and things have been taken WAY too far. I think it is MY responsibility to defend myself, my family, etc. from an attacker and it is the police's job to clean up afterward and determine if my actions need further "judicial review." I mean, it's nice and all if they DO get there before you are attacked. But then you should ask ... just how, exactly, did they know you were going to be attacked? From whence came their clairvoyance? No, it's YOUR job to be ready to defend yourself, your loved ones, and to an extent, your community. Too bad I seem to be in the minority with that view, eh? Oh, what's that? I don't understand? No, really, I do. See, I've been a cop for ... oh ... not quite two decades now. I've spent more time than not as a detective and my specialty seems to have become working violent crimes. I know first hand how rare it is for one of us to get to you before someone hurts you. In fact, often times, until someone hurts you, there has not been a crime committed so there's really not anything me blue-wearin'-brethren can do. Sad, I know, but true.

So, welcome, again, to my little corner of the web. Read all you want, comment (no, don't bother ranting or railing at me ... I invite intellectual debate, but keep your bumper-sticker/T-shirt slogans to yourself), and hopefully enjoy.

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