Monday, April 30, 2007

Are You Freakin' KIDDING Me?!

This morning I had some extra time (a bit of a rare occurrence), so I sat down to sort through my e-mail and have that distraction out of my way before officially starting my day. The first e-mail I opened was a legislative alert from the NRA. I was shocked to see an alert for us in the great state of Alabama. Our state is a very gun-friendly state (though our concealed carry permits are still technically at the discretion of the sheriffs). It seems one of our state representatives had proposed a new law for Alabama. He and his buddies want everyone to register their "automatic and semi-automatic" firearms.

A part of my personality that has served me well personally, but sometimes caused me absolute havoc professionally is my compulsion to ensure that "solutions" have some actual pre-existing problems to solve before they are implemented. I also believe that "less is more" insofar as rules, regulations, and laws go. This proposed law (HB600 in case anyone wants to look it up), flies in the face of that.

Just what problem, pray tell, is supposed to be solved by this proposed legislation? Wait, let's read

Section 2. (a)(1) Any person who possesses an automatic or semi-automatic weapon shall register the weapon with the Department of Public Safety pursuant to the procedures established by the department. The registration shall contain a description of the weapon that identifies it uniquely, including all identification marks, the full name, address, date of birth, and thumbprint of the owner, and any other information that the department may deem appropriate. The department may charge a fee for registration of up to fifty dollars ($50)

Okay, so now law abiding citizens who want to own, or want to continue to own such firearms would be required to register them with the Dept. of Public Safety in order to still be law-abiding citizens. Criminals, of course, can just keep on being criminals. Naturally there is a fee involved. Excuse me, but I know a lot of people for whom a $50 fee is just not manageable. These are the very same people, by and large, who have the greatest need for instant, effective self-defense. I've been gun-shopping with people for whom $50 or less made the difference between buying a gun or not. So now they'll either settle for an even cheaper, less reliable, less powerful piece, or continue to do without. Is that, perhaps, one of the intentions of this legislation? Let the aristocracy be armed, by damn, but not the peasants. Didn't we, y'know, fight some bloody war some 231 years or so ago to escape that kind of mentality?

Let's look at that bill a bit more closely, shall we? First off, what are they considering a "semi-automatic or automatic" firearm?

Section 3. For purposes of this act the term "automatic or semi-automatic weapon" shall mean a weapon that shoots, is designed to shoot, or can be readily restored to shoot, a succession of bullets so long as the trigger is depressed or until the ammunition supply is exhausted or a weapon that fires a single bullet each time the trigger is pulled, without the need to manually operate a bolt, lever, or other firing or loading mechanism. The term does not include any firearm modified to render the weapon permanently inoperable.

Well reach into your box of politically correct Crayolas, grab the one labeled "Right Winger" and color me with it. I think ol' Mr. Todd (one of the drafters of this bill) needs to take a look at the laws on the books. First off, automatic firearms are registered and tightly regulated, thank you very much. The process for getting one is rather, shall we say, involved. Fingerprinting, submission (I so hate that word) of said fingerprints and paperwork to the BATF&E for approval, pay a $20 0 non-refundable tax, submit (there's that word again, my fellow subjects) paperwork to the head of law enforcement for your area (and he/she can say "no" just because he/she feels like it), wait 6 weeks or so and then, if all goes well, you have your automatic weapon. Oh, yeah, did I forget to mention the weapon its self will cost you THOUSANDS of dollars, and unless you are a dealer or a government entity, it must be made prior to 1986? Yep, no one can just go buy a new automatic weapon. They are all old and getting older and more worn out all the time. A quick search showed me that "cheap" in the legal full-auto world is about three grand or more with much more being common. Yeah. Gee. I'd hate for someone to go through weeks of background checks, spend thousands of dollars, get local approval, pay a tax stamp and think it was okay to shoot up a school 'cause he didn't have to register the already registered gun with the Dept. of Pubic Safety. Sheesh.

The definition of semi-automatic in this bill could be construed to include revolvers. I suppose one might argue that turning the cylinder constitutes operating a "loading mechanism." But it is done by the pulling of the trigger which is why in the early days of double-action revolvers (when all you have to do is pull the trigger and not cock the hammer first), double-action revolvers were sometimes called "automatic revolvers." This is, of course, not to be confused with the couple of old attempts nor the one newer one to make a revolver that was literally a semi-automatic. I'm speaking of the designs like the Webley-Fosbery among others, but again I digress. In any case this section of the law tells me the Honorable Mr. Todd et al. did not do their homework. I think it should be a crime, punishable by forced deportation and eternal banishment for a politician to draft or support a bill when he obviously is wholly ignorant of the subject he wishes to legislate. Guns laws should not be written by people who do not understand guns, use-of-force, real self-defense, true-crime, and some history. I mean, I don't want people who specialize in gun laws making agricultural statutes, or for the Dept. of Agriculture to start telling the State Hwy Dept. how to pave a road. Sheesh. But now it appears our state is following the example of our national legislature and some folks with ZERO understanding are trying to pass feel-good laws. I shudder to think.

Okay, before I get off on yet another tangential rant, let's look at this bill again and see what teeth might have come in it:

(2) The department shall maintain the information received from each registrant in an automatic or semi-automatic weapon registry and information contained in the registry shall be released only to law enforcement officers.
(b)(1) Failure to register an automatic or semi-automatic weapon is a Class A misdemeanor.
(2) Notwithstanding subdivision (1), failure to register an automatic or semi-automatic weapon is a Class C felony if the weapon has been used by the person in the commission of a crime.

Ah. Gee. Now I feel better. NOT! So, those of us who choose to exercise our rights to self defense (and the privilege of hunting, etc.) and thus own such weapons as fall under this broad statute would then have to register our guns or become instant criminals ourselves. Now why would any gov't entity want to know where the cool guns are? Tell me that? Why would they want to know who has them if not for the express purpose of being able to come get them? I'm sure it'll start innocently enough. Maybe they'll FINALLY get around to cross-indexing mental health histories (though boy will that ever be a can o'worms!). Then it'll be the state boys showing up in your doorstep:
"Excuse me, Mr/Mrs. Gunowner. Our records show that you have a .22 caliber rifle, and a .22 caliber rifle registered in your personal arsenal. We checked your insurance records and found you went to a psychiatric counselor last month for "stress counselling." We have deemed you a danger to the public. We are now entering your house to seize the guns listed as well as all others we find in the exhaustive search we will be able to perform."

Hmm ... silly me, I thought this was The South! Ah, well, I'm thinking maybe this bill will die the death it so richly deserves. Two other bills are pending as well. One will make it a bit easier for us to buy firearms across state lines (in states surrounding our own) and likewise, allow those who live in those states to do so hear. In this day and age of interstate travel, those "no across state lines purchases" laws are antiquated. Let's make it work and generate some tax revenue. There's some good lads. Another bill being submitted (there's that bloody word again)for vote is one that would make specifically illegal acts by state and local governments gun-grabs during emergencies like what we saw in New Orleans post Katrina. For the three people on Earth who don't know about this, once the New Orleans area was hit by the storm, the authorities in N.O. set about seizing all firearms from residents. Mind you, the same authorities were having to import police and military from around the country including the private contractor agency, Blackwater just to begin to get some order restored. I shudder to think how many violent acts were perpetrated upon the citizens of that city who were reduced to unarmed sheep by their alleged protectors.

Anyway, if the legislation passes, such totalitarian acts will be specifically forbidden under the Alabama law. Cool, huh? This would also, I would think, bring some serious questions about that first bill ... if we're not going to confiscate, then why register? For that matter, since people bent on murder usually aren't concerned about lesser crimes, why bother with this whole registration business anyway?

For those who live in this great state (and it is, in fact, a great state), call and/or write your state congressmen. Tell them only two kinds of people seek anti-gun/gun-registration laws (Utopian-minded, tree-hugging morons and Totalitarian Imperialists), and we True Patriots tolerate neither. If I have, by my above comment offended anyone in those two categories, then go hug a tree or club someone into submission. That ought to make you feel better while the rest of us seek to foil your plans.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

It's About FREEDOM, You Fun-DUH-mentalists!

Okay, yes, I'm from the buckle o'the "Bible-Belt." Yes, yes, I'm a proud Southerner who was raised in a Christian home. That said, I was also taught to think for myself, to ask "why" as often as possible, and not to just accept things blindly. Where am I going with this? You'll see, just buckle up (that's kind of a psudo-pun ... in reference to my "Bible-Belt" comment? ... never mind).

It comes, I'm sure, as no surprise, that we've lost, over the years, many a fine, brave veteran. Many are buried in national cemeteries. The Veterans' Administration issues them and even, as I understand it, those buried in private cemetaries nice headstones all embossed with the fallen hero's emblem of his/her religion of choice. What's that you say? The fallen one in question was not, in fact, a Christian? He was, say, Jewish? Well, that's no problem. The VA will just slap a handy-dandy Star of David on the headstone and there ya go. Do what? He's Muslim? Okay, we'll just wheel out handy-dandy, VA-approved emblem number 17 and put the ol' crescent and star right up there for all to see. Ah, your loved follows the faith of the Izumo Taishakyo Mission of Hawaii? Gotcha covered there, too M'lovely, right here with approved religious symbol number 34. OH! I see ... I got it wrong. He was a member of Sufism Reoriented (whatever that is, but hey, First Amendment, by Damn!) it's the Aerosmith-lookin' symbol number 21 (actually, I rather like this symbol, being a life-long fan of Aerosmith, but let's not bring that up just now and sound like I'm being disrespectful ... 'cause ... y'see ... I'm NOT!). Yes, they have you all set ... so long as you are a member of one of the 36 (now 37) approved religions. Yes, yes, they ARE numbered.

Now, then, let's see ... what's that, Ma'am? You say your husband, a veteran like all the others, fell in service to yours and his (and OUR) chosen nation is a follower of Wicca? Dear God, woman, are you MAD?! We can't be having that now, can we? It'll be just one step away from pandemonium! Anarchy will rule! We'll be forced to .... Eh? What's that? Oh, I see Madam (No, not YOU, Ma'am, I'm speaking to the lady whose husband was NOT a heathen), you say your and your husband were ... oh, dear ... you're Humanists, eh? Well .. I-I see .. yes, we have you covered too, with symbol number 32. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, Ma'am. No, look, I'm sorry we have NO symbols for Godless heathens like ... pardon me ... Yes? You in the back? Oh, your fallen son/daughter/loved one was an Atheist? Oh, well ... okay ... yes, yes we do have an approved religious symbol for ... Godless ... heathens ... like ... you. But YOU, Ma'am, YOU and YOUR kind of Godless ... no, let's not have any of that "Goddess" baloney. Yes, I KNOW the Hindus get Shiva, but we can't upset hundreds of millions of people from a genuine religion. YOUR loved one died a heathen and a heathen he/she/they shall remain! Let them lie in an unmarked grave!

... Or so it went until recently. It hath finally been decreed that yea, verily, yea the Wiccans can have their star upon their gov't approved, issued veteran's headstones. It's about bloody time! I knew the ACLU had to be good for SOMETHING. I guess even the Devil can get it right occasionally, eh?

Check out the story at:

List of the 37 approved religions ... er, I mean, a list of the 37 religions that the Government recognizes ... no, no, I mean a list of the 37 faiths from which you must choose if you are to die for your country and want them to give you any semblance of the religious freedom that you died to give others ... No, I ... aw, Hell, just go here:

Yes, our nation was founded in Christianity. But it was founded in the interest of religious freedom. We are not supposed to have a state-sanctioned religion (or, I should think, a mere list of 37 approved religions). Don't our military people give up enough? If they find happiness as ... whatever ... give 'em that bit of last peace, okay? I mean, if you'll recognize atheists, why the HELL can't you recognize Wicca, a religion of nature, and peace and ... well ... of a lot of seemingly Christian values, actually ... just remove the fun-DUH-mentalist notions and some of the civilization-eradicating, genocidal tendencies of some of it's more "enthusiastic" followers and you might be surprised how nice the religion is.

Yes, I'm southern. Yes, I'm Christian (if any church will have me now ... have me, darn it, not change me). But I support this decision. It's about bloody time.

--- Over and out (for now).

Peace at last? We shall see. ;)

Being a Sheepdog

Lately, and not surprisingly, we've been hearing a lot about the Virginia Tech shooting. The press call it a "tragedy." No, it is not a tragedy. It was a massacre, a mass murder, and what's more ... it was preventable. Okay, it was at least more manageable. So many people seem to be just flabbergasted that the shooter could do this ... after all ... the college is a "weapon-free zone!" Um ... yeah. See, laws are just words on a piece of paper. Laws do not protect anyone. I know, I know, our laws are designed to protect us ... whooptie doo ... I challenge you, the next time one of you is attacked, or cheated in a business deal, or see some thug stealing your beloved yard gnome, run up and show them the criminal statues that make the act illegal. Explain to them that they are obviously misguided and confused. Tell them they obviously can't be doing whatever it is that they are doing "because the law says you can't!" Y'know, that litany we used to whine out, "But that's against the rules!" didn't work in kindergarten, and it won't work now. Laws are really just there so there is some legal avenues of retribution against the evildoer(s), or to protect the next victim by giving society a way to lock up the bad guy ... after your yard gnome is stolen, your accounts are emptied, and you are lying bleeding in a gutter. Those bits of ink upon the paper of the vaunted books of law will not leap forth from their bindings and smite your attacker/cheater/yard gnome stealer with righteous fury and holy indignation. My boys-in-blue brethren and I, in all likelihood, will arrive to pick up the pieces and write our reports after you've been victimized. So, recognize the real world is a jungle and you can be either hunter, prey, or protector. Hint: Neither of the first two are good options. ;)

A friend recently sent me an analogy comparing those of us who protect ourselves and others (not just cops, but anyone who has the "Warrior Spirit") to sheepdogs, and those who bleat and whine and get eaten by the world to sheep. I'm not sure of the origin of this "Sheepdog" analogy, so I'll say at this point only that it's not mine. If I'm infringing on anyone's copyright, please let me know!

M'kay, that said, the analogy goes something like this: Sheep trust the sheepdogs to protect them from the wolves. They know some of them will be eaten, but protection is purely the job of the sheepdog and the sheep can't be bothered to look out for themselves or any other sheep. The sheep don't particularly like the sheepdogs. After all, they look kinda like the wolves (liken this to our society ... I carry a gun, same as the criminals, I'm willing to fight, to draw blood, to be bloodied ... same as the criminal. I've got that hunter's look, same as the criminal ... only I'm hunting the "wolves" not the "sheep"). The sheep are kept in a sort of order by the sheepdogs (even sheep only like to be lead so far, but sheep can't lead themselves. Even if a sheep rises to the top, he'll likely be challenged). The sheepdogs take care of their sheep and take care of their own expecting help from nowhere. Be a sheepdog, not a sheep.

My own words on this several years ago, and now modified (I originally used the word "shepherd" instead of "sheepdog") went something like this: "I am proud of my choice. I chose to be sheepdog and I am doing my best to protect you from the wolves. When you criticize me, remember, if you chose to be a sheep then being eaten by wolves is part of your job!" Some praised me (fellow sheepdogs) some ... got really, really pissed!

Anyway, that's why I titled my blog (for now) "Sheepdog." Makes me wonder how many hits I'll get from people lookin' for information about their favorite canis familiaris. I'm such a tricky bastard, eh? LOL!

Okay, given my heritage, I think I'm more of an Irish Wolfhound, but hey ... I've only got so much material to work with here and if we start breakin' up the breeds, there are gonna be some who declaire themselves cats and think we all live to serve them. Some will decide they're birds or fish so none of the rules apply to them, whilst others will declair they are cattle, not sheep, and since their ancestors were brought here hundreds of years ago, we owe them a bunch of money. Or ... something. So ... yeah ... anyway ... sheepdogs it is.

Recently, on a mail list I subscribe to, a poster and fellow badge toter stated he thought it a mistake to let any non-LEO (Law Enforcement Officers) carry guns. I pointed out that my petite wife usually carries a pistol (at least one) whenever she's not at work. Federal regs prevent her from carrying at work, though in her industry that law hasn't physically stopped certain disgruntled people from doing so ... go figure. She has a flashlight/impact weapon thingy and unlike most, knows how to use it (and has the muscle to use it). She has pepper spray and again, unlike most, knows how to use it. That's all well and good for last-ditch stuff. But if she's attacked by a big ol' determined attacker, I don't want to say over her grave, "Well, kids, know that Mama had the moral high ground." I don't want her to be trying to tap out 9-1-1 on her cell phone and submit to ... whatever ... while waiting for help that won't get there in time. I want her home, intact, safe and sound and for the bad guy to be laying in a heap or in a morgue somewhere. I seem to remember implying the question if my fellow list member would be willing to guarantee his presence to keep her or anyone else's loved one safe. Thus far, no answer. Great. Once more my blindingly simple logic has pissed off someone else. Ah, well. Can't please everyone, eh? ;)



    Welcome to my blog.  I was born and raised in the glorious southeastern U.S., Alabama specifically. This is where I still reside. Living here and being raised as a free thinker has given me a somewhat different view than that of many whom I hear speaking in the media lately. For one thing, I'm a Conservative (ooooh! No! One of THOSE! Egad, Ethel! It's a Conservative from Alabama! Run! Run like hell! We're only safe 'til the banjos stop playing!). Yeah. I'm a dude from Alabama and guess what? I can read, write, and think for myself ... just like most folks from "down South." Gadzooks, how I loathe stereotypes.

   If that sounded like I have a wee bit o'attitude, well, that's probably because I do. I see the south portrayed in movies and on TV as a backwards haven for inbred idiots. It's actually amazing how many famous and influential people are from the south. These include award winning authors, singers, actors, politicians (hey, there are a few good ones ... at least not wholly evil, anyway. Statesmen are better though. Statesmen are dead politicians. ar, ar, ar).

   Now, then, I did not start this blog to defend the Real South from the world. Well, not entirely, anyway. I started this to give me some place to dump all my rants and views. I'm pro-gun, pro-life, pro-freedom. I think misbehaving brats should be spanked. I hate drugs but I think there are WAY too many people serving sentences that are WAY too long for simple drug charges and are thus clogging up the system. I think the "war on drugs" has allowed for some erosion's of personal freedom and things have been taken WAY too far. I think it is MY responsibility to defend myself, my family, etc. from an attacker and it is the police's job to clean up afterward and determine if my actions need further "judicial review." I mean, it's nice and all if they DO get there before you are attacked. But then you should ask ... just how, exactly, did they know you were going to be attacked? From whence came their clairvoyance? No, it's YOUR job to be ready to defend yourself, your loved ones, and to an extent, your community. Too bad I seem to be in the minority with that view, eh? Oh, what's that? I don't understand? No, really, I do. See, I've been a cop for ... oh ... not quite two decades now. I've spent more time than not as a detective and my specialty seems to have become working violent crimes. I know first hand how rare it is for one of us to get to you before someone hurts you. In fact, often times, until someone hurts you, there has not been a crime committed so there's really not anything me blue-wearin'-brethren can do. Sad, I know, but true.

So, welcome, again, to my little corner of the web. Read all you want, comment (no, don't bother ranting or railing at me ... I invite intellectual debate, but keep your bumper-sticker/T-shirt slogans to yourself), and hopefully enjoy.